Friday, 25 February 2011

The Scorpion Queen

I hope you realise this story is about Rachel and not me (never saw myself as much of a queen - I think the beard would be a turn-off) and before I start can I say she is now compeletly recovered (did that get your attention.

So, Rachel has a new nickname - "The Scorpion Queen".  Why?  Well, because she was stung 8 times by one at night.  Fortunatly it was not one of the very venomous ones but none-the-less was very painful and made her feel ill for a few hours and the pain took about 8 hours to subside.  She likened it to someone sticking red hot pokers into her back ... nice!

It was a bit unfortunate, but we had had a few nights (and some days) of very heavy rain so we think the scorpion had come into the tent for shelter.  We think it had crawled into the thatch of the roof only then to fall into Rachel's bed.  She'd then turned over in the night and lay on it, only for the scorpion to sting out in defense. 

She woke up in pain at about 2 o'clock and i checked her back and there were 5 'mosquito' bites.  Half her back was red but we had no reason to think it was anything but a mozzie.  We put some sting cream on her back, spraid the room and nodded back off - well I did, Rach was still in pain.  About an hour later she jumped out of bed in more pain and shouting that something had stung her again and was in her bed.  I flicked the light on and jumped into action - and there, in her bed was a dead scorpion.  She had clearly squashed it, and as its last action it had stung her 3 more times.

Rachel was having a bit of a panic by now that she had been stung by what we city folk consider a dangerous beast.  We sat awake monitoring her symptoms until the sun came up when I went to see one of the trainers to get his advise.  By now Rach was a bit better but still feeling a bit nauseous and her back was hurting a lot.  The trainer offered to get a doctor but Rach didn't feel that ill; we missed that day's events to rest and fortunately by midday she was feeling better.  But at least now she has a story to tell :)

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