You know how young men, after a few beers in the bar, have the bravado kick in, well this happened in camp recently. The young studs, showing off in front of the girls, were arguiing who was stronger blah blah blah who could do the most press-ups etc and generally letting the testerone talk. These are all mostly kids half my age so I think they were a little surprised when i said they should have a little challenge - get down on you face and see how many press-ups they could do in one go.
The fat Spaniard managed 1. Skinny Yank about 15. A Brit 20. The muscular Afrikaans rugby player 43. Little old man me.....56, with some spare left in the tank :) Little did they know that I crank out 100 - 150 press-ups most days to try and stay in shape. At my age trying to look after yourself gets hard so every little helps. Anyway, i think they were suitably surprised, and Rach was very proud of her old man.
I'd already got the knick-name off the group as 'man's man' as i always wear t-shirts in the cold even when the rest wear fleeces and long tops ( i just don't feel the cold), but now this has progressed to 'man's man level 10'. This is a bit of a running joke now in camp, and as someone does something suitably brave/strong/manly/or stupid we up their man's man level. Thankfuly no one has reached level 10 yet apart from the old geezer.
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